Volunteer Opportunities

Here are some local organizations that often recruit volunteers. Please connect with the organizations directly to learn more or apply to volunteer.
General Opportunities
Whether you are interested in organizing a fund-raising team, teaching, or photography/videography, AFSP’s Rhode Island chapter has many volunteer opportunities and ways to get involved in their life-saving work. Click here to see volunteering opportunities from AFSP.
NAMI Rhode Island relies on caring people to help spread mental health awareness, fight stigma, advocate, build community, hold events like our Bridging the Gaps Conference and NAMIWalks RI, and much more. Click here to see volunteering opportunities from NAMI RI.
This organization provides opportunities to make a difference in someone’s life, acquire communication skills, and learn the art of befriending or “nonjudgmental listening”. Make a difference by being there for a person who just needs
someone to listen. Click here to see volunteering opportunities from The Samaritans of Rhode Island.
This non-profit organization provides an array of comprehensive health and human services to individuals and families in need. They also have mental health and suicide prevention groups that can be joined. Click here to see volunteering opportunities from Bristol Health Equity Zone.
Newport Mental Health provides recovery-oriented, evidence-based and integrated mental health and substance use care. Volunteer opportunities include clerical support, fundraising, event planning, and marketing. Click here to see volunteering opportunities from Newport Mental Health.
The Coalition seeks to be a voice that advocates for the health and well-being of children and families, serving as catalyst and facilitator, in creating a culture where all children in Washington County can thrive. Volunteer opportunities include volunteer lobbying and submitting testimony, reviewing books for recommended children’s book lists, working on social media upkeep, and designing exciting school programs. Click here to see volunteering opportunities from The Washington County Coalition for Children.
This organization gives back to the community through training programs, community outreach, and crisis intervention outreach for grieving families. Volunteer opportunities include leading groups, hosting dinners, and more. Click here to see volunteering opportunities from Friends Way.
Day One is leading efforts to address sexual assault as a community concern. They are committed to supporting survivors and increasing prevention. Volunteer opportunities include providing meals for support groups, distributing Day One materials to the community, supporting special projects, and joining their Helpline team. Click here to see volunteering opportunities from Day One Rhode Island.
Sojourner House promotes healthy relationships by providing culturally sensitive support, advocacy, housing, and education for victims and survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, and human trafficking. Volunteer opportunities include fundraising, hosting events, and teaching skill-based classes. Click here to see volunteering opportunities from Sojourner House Rhode Island.
The United Way has a mission of uniting the community and resources to build racial equity and opportunities for all Rhode Islanders. They have an extensive list of partnering organizations that offer volunteer opportunities. These opportunities can be filtered by causes including mental wellness. Click here to see volunteering opportunities from United Way of Rhode Island.
Higher Ed Opportunities
Some schools in Rhode Island have an Active Minds chapter. Look here to see if your school has a chapter!
RIDOH convenes the Higher Education Suicide Prevention Advisory Group, consisting of representatives from all 11 colleges and universities in Rhode Island. This group convenes twice yearly to learn best practices in suicide prevention for college campuses and advise RIDOH on trends happening on their campuses. If you are a staff member on a Rhode Island college campus that works in student life, student health, or student mental health and you are interested in joining the Advisory Group, please fill out the Contact Us form stating your interest.
Do you like speaking out on mental health issues on your campus? You should be a RIDOH Mental Health Ambassador! Apply here and see if we will be on your campus next semester.