Resources for First Responders

First responders—police, firefighters, and paramedics—are often called to deal with high-risk, suicidal people.
First H.E.L.P. reduces mental health stigma for first responders through education and awareness and assists first responders in their search for healing. They also honoer the service and sacrifice of first responders lost to suicide and care for their families in the aftermath of a suicide loss.
A course for all members of the first responders community about mental health to help police, first responders, and other public safety audiences respond to mental-health-related calls without compromising safety.
Free training on the Columbia Protocol, a tool for assessing someone’s risk for suicide. You can learn how healthcare providers can use the Columbia Protocol here.
Project ChildSafe offers free educational resources to demonstrate the importance of firearm safety and to encourage the practice of responsible firearm ownership. They have worked with thousands of law enforcement agencies across the nation and in the five US territories to provide free firearm safety kits, which include a cable-style gun lock.
This website is designed to provide community members, health professionals, and policymakers with timely data to track Rhode Island’s progress toward reaching the goals outlined in the Action Plan. They provide current data on addiction and overdose in Rhode Island — as well as resources on preventing overdose for a variety of audiences, including loved ones of people who use drugs, Healthcare Professionals, and more.
Individuals and organizations can order free safe storage lock bags for medications by filling out this form.
Learn more about reducing access to things people can use for suicide, like firearms or medicines.
From May 2024 – July 2024, 834 Rhode Island EMS professionals completed the MHEAT
assessment. Results of the MHEAT assessment represent EMS professionals at all stages of their
careers in the EMS field from 0-5 years to more than 31 years.